Monday, July 26, 2004

Bill Clinton is God.

Kneel down and kiss his pimp ring.

Seriously, he is God.  Did you see his speech at the DNC??  That mother fucker rocked the joint.

Not only did he look 10 years younger, he was leaner, meaner and ready to kick Republican bitch-ass for Kerry/Edwards.

Hell, even those right wing whores  at Fox News said, "Love him or hate him....the guy is GOOD."

And you just know that when Bill 'mutha fuckin' Clinton walks into a room:  panties get wet. 

There is no doubt.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

I'd fucking cut your intestines out.  That's what.  
MUSIC:  My own that I created with a program called Reason.
Boy, I'm in a mood.  Just one of them days, I guess.  Ah well.
How is everyone today?  Great. 
This is all for this blog post, but hopefully I'll have the ambition to post a really kickin' post later tonight. 
Peace y'all.

Monday, July 12, 2004

This is your life and its ending one minute at a time.

Know this: If George W. Bush wins (or steals) this upcoming election, I'm going to start a Fight Club.

(The first rule of Fight Club is: You don't talk about Fight Club.)

A little anarchy never hurt anybody.

Well okay, maybe somebody got hurt. But they deserved it.

(Its only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.)

I will be your Tyler Durden, people.

Celebrity worship has reached disgusting proportions. The whores of consumer culture feed our fat faces with their greedy lies. They tell us that buying a certain brand of 'something' fulfulls us spiritually and that your life means something.

(Your life means nothing; you are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.)

They trick us into spending money on shit we don't need to line the pockets of rich men who care nothing about us.

(You are NOT you're fucking khakis.)

I say: Fuck all that.

Kerry/Edwards '04

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Roscoe P. Coltrane

Music: Led Zeppelin-The Battle of Evermore

Has anyone here every watched that classic redneck-sploitation television series 'The Dukes of Hazard'?

Of course you have. Bo and Luke Duke. Boss Hog. Hot ass Daisy Duke. Uncle Jesse. Waylon Jennings voice over.

But lets not forget one of my favorite television characters of all time: Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane.

Everytime I hear his laugh, I nearly piss myself from laughter. You know what I'm talking about. It kind of sounds like 'A-Kew, Kew, Kew' or something like that.

If only those Hollywood suits would have had the vision to create a show around THAT character. Now that would have been sweet.

Fuck that dumb deputy Enos. I'd bring in Don Knotts to reprise his role as Barney Fife. Barney's tired of Andy's backwoods morals bullshit and moves to Hazard County. Boss Hog cuts Barney in on his action. Roscoe gets jealous and challenges Barney to a knife fight. Little does Roscoe know that Barney Fife is not a mother fucker that likes to be trifled with. End season one on that big cliffhanger.

Now that is innovative. Hell, it would have beat shows like 'The Shield' to the punch by a couple of decades.

Ah well,..copyright issues would be a problem I'm sure....Hollywood pussies.

Speaking of Don Knotts, I'll have to tell you the story of when I (jokingly) claimed he was my real dad.

That story is for another blog

'A-Kew, Kew, Kew!'

One final test...

And then this blog will be fully up and running.

A Fistful of Dollars, a Handful of...Bob.

MUSIC: Refused- Liberation Frequency

Still trying to iron out the kinks of this blog.

I think I'm slowing getting it to be what I want.

Start posting comments you ungrateful fuckers....

I am, after all, gracing you with my presence.(Jk, y' know I love ya!)

Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

Xzibit, would you please Pimp My Blog?

Music: Eagles of Death Metal-Speaking in Tongues

Seriously, this blog page just quite isn't up to the iconic 'pimp' status of someone with the balls (i.e. ME) to call themselves the Notorious B.O.B.

Actually the true origins of the name go way back to high school. Some dude named Adam (Last name sounds like FREEZE-IN-HANKS) from my art class happened to invent it. We all laughed.

Then I realized it was a great name. Simple, and yet so 'me'.

So I stole that mother fucker like white people stole rock-n-roll.

And so it came to pass. And so it shall be.

More Blogs to come....same Bob time, same Bob channel.

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