Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Its the end of the world as we know it....

...and I'm sure Halliburton will find a way to profit from it. Fuckers.


Some of you may know that I've been having 'woman problems' lately. To put it more matter of factly my 'woman problem' is not having one. I had a perfectly good one, but now we are apparently on a "break". Which is worse than 'breaking up' by the way because it taunts you with a slim glimmer of hope while its stepping on your fucking throat and stealing your wallet.

It fucking hurts, dude. It fucking hurts a lot. Its the whole stringing a carrot on the end of the stick thing and I'm the ass.

It may all work may not...not even sure I care anymore. (Note: I do.)

Meanwhile I'm watching this country turn the clock back 20 plus years on social issues. These right-wing neocon 'throwin' faith in yo' face' are destroying this country. And I'm watching normally logical people take it up the ass. Gleefully even.

Gay Marriage? Oh no, its the end of the fucking world! Gay people who live together anyway want to get marrried! What are we going to do? These sexual deviants may end up moving in next to my God fearing little children and tainting their minds! Oh me o my! Marriage is sacred and blah, blah, blah....
Marriage is sacred? Really? Are you sure?? The divorce rate is over 50 percent. Reality TV shows have midgets, complete strangers, and fat people marrying each other. Hell, you can get married in a matter of minutes in Vegas.....AT A FUCKING DRIVE-THRU WINDOW!! 'Can I get fries with that, honey?' And you wanna feed me this bullshit that marriage is sacred? Its not sacred its FUCKING CLOWN SHOES. Want more proof? Two words: Britney Spears.

The Ten Commandments in Courtrooms: Have you read this thing? It has almost NOTHING to do with your legal rights as a United States citizen.
So why would it even be in a courtroom?
The first one is 'Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." Wonder how that makes a Muslim or an Atheist or Agnostic,et cetera feel about to be sentenced by some Alabama redneck Jesus lovin' judge? Pretty much fucked I'm sure.
Only three are even remotely relevant. Number 6 (Don't murder), Number 8 (Don't steal) and Number 9(Bearing false witness/perjury). Other than that....they are NOT RELEVANT TO AMERICAN JUSICE.

More of my liberal rants to come.....

Monday, October 04, 2004

Primal Screams


Nope. I still don't feel better. :(

Primal Screams


Nope. Still don't feel better. :(

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