Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Comeback: Part 1

I'm alive folks!! (Too bad Tupac isn't. Zinger!)

Sorry I haven't blogged or e-mailed in some time. I've had some computer troubles or lack of access to an Internet connection for some time.

Chrissy and I are moving into a new place on March 25 and we'll get settled in in the coming days and get a computer, Internet and all of that jazz.

I've been at a new job for about a month. My official title is 'Advertising Sales Executive'. It sounds more impressive than it really is, but its good experience. Plus I may get to do some design work for the newsletter they are putting together, etc.

Its for a new company that focuses on the senior market: 'Forget-Me-Not Marketing Solutions Ltd.

Last week I went to a speech by former President Bill Clinton on US/Canada relations. That was, for me at least, a kick-ass experience that I'll never forget. But then again, I'm a politics nerd.

Edmonton, to its credit, is shockingly similar to most cities in 'the States'. But then again Alberta (the province for which Edmonton is the capital city of) is known as 'the Texas of Canada'. To be fair, thats more for their oil production, but I digress.

The job market is booming in this city. You can't walk three feet without seeing some sort of 'help wanted' sign.

The weather has still been fairly warm, although we were dumped with snow last night and today. I've never seen so much snow fall so fast. It was incredible.

Some things about this country, like the popularity of the 'sport' of curling or their preference for old English spellings (centre, colour, defence, etc.), I'll never understand, but overall its pretty cool here.

I'm going to try to get some pics up soon and attempt to blog more often.

Catch you suckers later. Peace.

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