Monday, August 30, 2004

My analysis of the 2004 Presidential Election

Here's the deal;

John Kerry could hold a press conference tomorrow and proudly proclaim:

A. In his spare time he likes to drown puppies.

B. Although he prefers Heinz Ketchup on his fries, he'll occasionally slop on the blood of unborn children. Not because he likes it, but just for 'shits and giggles'.

C. He's vehemently opposed to toilet paper and the use of hand soap. But he loves a good handshake!

and finally

D. He is a chronic masturbator that can only get off if Teresa pinches his nipples while he watches 'Stop or My Mom Will Shoot!' (starring Sly Stallone)

...he could say that and I'd STILL vote for him before I'd vote for Bush.

Kerry/Edwards '04. 'Nuff said, beotches.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Great Quote from a Dead Hero

'The elite ruling class wants us asleep so we'll remain a docile, apathetic herd of passive consumers, and non-participants in the true agenda of our governments - which is to keep us separate, and present an image of a world filled with irresolvable problems, that they, and only they, might one day, somewhere in the never-arriving future, be able to solve. Just stay asleep, America, keep watching TV.' - Bill Hicks

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Am I High?

Is Bill O'Reilly really interviewing Triumph the Insult Comic Dog? Wtf? Two egos collide! Ah, its just a clip from an earlier show. Whatever. Don't care. DON'T CARE.

Anyway, classes start tomorrow. I can hear a collective 'Wheeeee!' amongst you. Fun, Fun.

So I spent some quality time with the g/f and also found time to visit my good friend in Columbus. We saw Napoleon Dynamite. Hilarious movie. Go see it. Now.

I'm thinking about Buddhism. Just thinking about it. Hey, if its good enough for Mike D. its good enough for me! My hope is to finally reach 'nirvana' I can talk to Kurt Cobain.

Btw, if you're interested in the current political climate, then I suggest these sites: , , , , and

Or if you prefer your news in the guise of comedy, then I suggest tuning to 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart' on Comedy Central. Its amazingly brilliant ever single night and Jon fearlessly calls out the bullshit both political parties ask the American public to swallow.

Ugh. Bob have headache. Bob go lie down now.


Monday, August 16, 2004

Daddy needs a new press agent.

Does anybody read this fucking thing? I thought not. Fuckers.

Just kidding.... I haven't posted in awhile because...well...I forgot my password.

But now I'm back and all is right with the world.

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