Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Which came first: the chicken or the egg?

Hey who cares? Sounds like breakfast to me!


Anyway, I thought I'd do some more freewriting exercises or perhaps jot down some ideas that have been flowing through my head as of late.

Cracker factory- A poor welfare mother whose only skill in life is to continually plop out little inbred mouths that she can't possibly love. But hey that govt. check is nice.

By the way, if I hear the phrase 'Get-R-Done' one more time out of some redneck's mouth, I'm going to go to my car, retrieve my tire iron and proceed to reshape said offender's skull.

Thats how I get things done.

So one of my good friends is starting to write a story. That sounds like no big deal unless you know this person. This man never writes anything unless he's signing a check or keying a curse word into somebody's car door. Okay, I've never known him to do the latter, but I also wouldn't put it past him. The cheeky bastard.
But just the fact that he's spontaneously writing has inspired me to do the same. So expect to hear more from me in the future.

I bought a new phone Sunday. I don't know why thats worthy of a mention in this blog entry, but I'm struggling here people. How about you stop busting my balls, and I'll be able to concentrate on giving you savages more of what you want: witty, insightful blog entries chock full of profanity for that extra dash of 'street cred'. Because, as those of you who know me, not only do I 'keep it street', I likes to keeps it realz, yo. Feel me? Shee-it.

So as I listen to Radiohead's "Go to Sleep" fade away, I'd like to wish all of my loyal supporters well and I hope you're all doing well.

For those Bob-haters out there....much love to you too.


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