Thursday, March 31, 2005

I'm so tired...

Well Terri Schiavo has died.

And I think I speak for most people when I say........FINALLY!

Is it sad? Yes, but not for the reasons you'd think. Feeding tubes are removed every single day and you don't see Congress get involved in those.

In what should have been a private family matter was turned into a whore-ish media circus (then again what doesnt' become a whore-ish media circus in today's world).

Just last week a feeding tube was pulled on a baby against the parent's wishes in Texas and that baby subsequently died. The medical examiners had final say because the law in Texas gave them this right. Who signed this into law? You guessed it: George W. Bush.

But back to Terri Schiavo. She was in a persistant vegetative state for over fifteen years. Her cerebral cortex was liquid, she felt no pain.

But at least this got people talking about living wills.

You know....I have one.

And I ask you all to respect my wishes:

If I ever end up in a persistant vegetative state.....

Please drop me out of an airplane at 30,000 ft and don't forget to strap the parachute pack full of primed C-4 on my back. Set the timer to go off in 60 seconds.

Best fireworks show, ever.

Oh and donate whatever is left of me to science.

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