Friday, March 04, 2005

Living vicariously through myself.

Hey people!

How is everyone doing? I hope everything is all right in your own respective universes.

Its snowing here. And I still have to go to work. Blah.

I haven't updated the blog in what seems to be months and I'm a little out of practice.

I've been busy with classes and my hours at work have picked up, which is nice since I need the money. I can finally stop selling my body. Score one for me!

This year is, so far, looking up and if all goes well: I'll get my Associate's and then can transfer elsewhere, will attend the very first Haynes Family Reunion this summer and (hopefully) be thinner or at least in better shape.

And I may stick around at the college long enough to take this Video Documentary Class in the fall.

And a new NIN album in May! I may finally get to see Nine Inch Nails live! Here's hoping!

And I may also have a tentative road trip planned...more on that as it develops.

Well I'm going to go but I'll really try to keep this thing more up to date. No promises though.

Peace Y'all.

road trip eh?
San Diego Comicon MUHFUCKA!
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